Ranking of Squash Rackets - Best Recommended Squash Rackets
10/05/2023 SquashTime.pl Knowledge center
- Karakal SL-120 - squash racket for everyone
- Harrow Spark - lightweight squash racket, recommended
- Eye V.Lite 125 - squash racket for tournament players
- Oliver Supralight Silver - ultralight squash racket for the demanding
- Black Knight Cannon PS - a squash racket that won't let you down
Which Squash Racket Is Right for You?
Choosing the right squash racket translates to the quality of your game, especially at higher levels of play. Players often wonder about the choice of the right frame. Considering various factors and specifications, sometimes we can't decide. That's why we've prepared a ranking of squash rackets for the 2023/24 season.
5th Place - Black Knight Cannon PS
This is another installment of one of the most recognizable rackets from the Canadian brand. Until recently, it was used by one of the most popular PSA players, Mathieu Castagnet. The racket combines features that make it excellent for both beginners and very advanced players. It has a huge, very pleasant sweet spot, factory-strung with Ashaway ZX, which improves its already excellent control and power.
4th Place - Oliver Supralight Silver
Since entering the market, it has been one of the bestsellers in our market. A racket that combines low weight (105 grams) with a significant dose of extra power, as one of the few. Comparable in this regard only with the Vapor series from Harrow. Definitely for those looking for a racket that is easy to maneuver in their shots and doesn't lose energy when hitting the ball. A racket for those who like to experiment a bit on the court, definitely for someone with more squash fantasies who would like to effectively demonstrate them on the court.
3rd Place - Eye V.Lite 125
A racket used by the multiple-time Polish Champion - Filip Jarota (two years ago, the podium of the Polish Championship was filled only with players using V.Lite 125 - Jarota, Krysiak, Hemmerling). This information is probably the best way to show that this racket can simply outperform the competition. A racket with long, radiating strings may not forgive too many mistakes on the court, but if our shot is confident, thanks to it, we can strengthen it and send the ball exactly where we want it.
2nd Place - Harrow Spark
A position that has dominated Harrow's offer for several years, specifically in the Player Performance Control series. In the entire line of squash rackets, you won't find one that provides so much maneuverability and control without sacrificing its power. We're talking about the Harrow Spark, which is nothing more than a lightweight version of the Harrow Vapor racket, known for its incredible flexibility. Spark is for people who aren't looking for power, have a fast hand that allows them to play the ball at the end of the court from anywhere, just like the previous model's predecessor, Jonathon Power.
1st Place - Karakal SL-120
Undoubtedly the most versatile racket in the lineup, and we mean both the level and the attitude during the game. The SL-120 is a squash racket with one of the longest vertical strings in the offerings of all brands, not just Karakal. Thanks to its construction, it gains additional power without the slightest loss of control. The frame has special grommets that eliminate vibrations transmitted from the strings to the racket and then to our hands. This balanced, relatively lightweight racket provides the right kick for less experienced players and, thanks to the even string arrangement, allows club players to have good feel. Since its introduction to the market, it has been strung with Karakal Hot Zone Braided, the best string that has appeared on the market since Ashaway ZX Micro.
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